Heart-Smart Goals

Back in the day, I used to be the woman who cared a whole whack about what she did or, dare I say, “got done” AND what she wore! Because, those WERE the key to make me “valuable” to…well, I may have said “to myself,” but really it was for everyone else.

BUT your brain can only choose to “care about” those things for so long until you realize your body is moving on: it will sag, shake, jiggle, wiggle, and then you have to make a decision about just “why and what” you will be living for.
And GOD certainly didn’t just let me move through this without a bit of HIS “input.” Join me in exploring what I found in 1 Timothy, Chapter 2 that helped me set some “Heart-Smart Goals”!

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Obstacles or Opportunities

Oh my, all this COVID-19 business! It certainly has messed with a lot of people’s lives (including mine!!) and in a lot of ways that feel like it’s really created a lot of crazy! Oh, I get it. I know I cannot do a thing to change the reality here in Canada. But, I can change my reality in Cranbrook by shifting my worldview from only seeing “OBSTACLES” by instead, CHOOSING to see unexpected “OPPORTUNITY” to grow in some ways that, well, maybe I hadn’t been attending to as well as before.

Since I can no longer invest in my normal To-Do list, how about I CHOOSE to invest in the things that don’t normally make the tick box or the checklist, but truly are the BEST investment in my day?? So can you guess what it is?? 🙂

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