Like a Broken Tooth
There were so many great verses as I read through Proverbs 25 today, but the one that stuck out the most to me is the one that reminds me the most of … ME!
Like literally! LOL!
It was verse 19: “Like a broken TOOTH or a lame foot is the RELIANCE on the unfaithful in a time of trouble….”
And it was the reference to the TOOTH that caught my eye because today I headed to the dentist to deal with some chronic dental PAIN. Ugh!
Oh yes, I am the girl who (currently unlike half of Cranbrook) 🙂 still eats sugar. And, well, I eat a ton of it! (Hence verses 16 and 27 hit a little too close to home. LOL!) And as much as I love having a very positive relationship with my dentist and the office staff there — honestly, I bring them treats and drop off seasonal cards — it’s based and founded on the fact that I have always been, and still continue to, eat way TOO much sugar.
And as a result? Even all the extra brushing and flossing just doesn’t cover up the “real root” of the issue. Therefore, what is the consistent result?? Carol ends up with plenty of cavities — and root canals to boot! Resulting in appointments like later today. I mean, come on, will this girl ever learn?? Sigh. 🙂
But as much as I am confessing my dental woes to you, I hope that on a spiritual level, I HAVE learned a thing or two.
Because I started to GET that, like that verse said, if I have a spiritual “toothache,” I have got to look at what I CHOOSE to rely on in my world.
And rely on over … and over … and over again.
ESPECIALLY in those times of trouble. Hmmmmm….
And if I take a deeper look at this spiritual “toothache,” what did I begin to see? Well, how I was clearly choosing to rely on “things” (other people, other idols, or straight-up plain ol’ ME) rather than GOD. And as such, it really makes a lot of sense why the “ROOT” behind the “tooth pain” just won’t go away.
Yup, I can cover it up with a lot of really good “cleaning actions” aiming to “brush the ick away” or “floss aside the facts,” but the FACT is until I get to the ROOT of the reality of where I am putting my RELIANCE, well then, just like me “revolving” through the dental office door, I am really just setting myself up for more, and more, and MORE time attempting to manage the PAIN.
Now, whoa, I know some of you may be thinking, “OUCH! You mean it has been ME causing some of my own ‘pain’?? What a harsh piece of truth for my head to explain.” I know it, because I used to think that too. And I also get that the NEXT level you hit as you start to get this concept goes sort of like, “OH really?? Oh my, I have MESSED this up a LOT … and for a long time.”
But wait!!! Please don’t park your heart there. That would be a job only halfway done (and that is NOT GOD’s style at all)!
NOPE, we are NOT going to choose to stay stuck in GUILT. Oh NO! We are going to choose to let GOD’S WISE words finish the job until it’s 100% done.
Because as verses 11-12 say, HIS “rebuke” will begin to feel awesome when coming from a place of wisdom to those who have a “listening ear.” This “pain” is part of learning to let HIM remove the “dross” in my heart (verse 4) as I come to a better place of PEACE for me, but also (and maybe even better??) become a VESSEL of PURPOSE for HIM.
It’s so true, ladies: PAIN always has a PURPOSE.
And the action and intent behind the pain is the FACTOR in what change GOD is after.
- If it is PAIN caused by ME pursuing the wrong reliance on someone or something??? Well, that “pain” is MY clue to let that GO and begin to rely on … you know who. 🙂
- If it is PAIN is caused by the transition as I make a “relationship switch” (aka when I am choosing to let go of my OLD reliance and work on one based on HIM being my base), then no worries!! I need to expect some “TRANSITIONAL STRESS” until my body and brain GET that HIS way really is best. SO Carol sticks with “HIS RIGHT!” Choose to push through and allow all the DROSS to be removed.
- If the “PAIN” has come from GAINING a relationship with GOD that “someone else” doesn’t agree with? Well, it is actually no longer PAIN but a POINT Of IMPACT: even though someone doesn’t like that I am sticking with GOD’S RIGHT, I will not change the TRUTH (verses 25-26). Because by holding firm to it, I will feel far more confident in my SOUL, and maybe, just maybe, they will SEE something different in me that will become the “cool drink of water that THEIR soul doesn’t even know it really truly needs” (verse 21). What a sweeter-than-sugar REWARD (verse 22)!
And so, Chapter 25 really came alive to me today as a reminder to reflect on where my RELIANCE is. And by allowing GOD to work out any “wrong reliance” in ME, HE shifts my inner QUALITIES to be closer to HIS. And as much as I love that fact (and the PEACE that comes with that), I see it can produce for HIM a BIGGER IMPACT — one change, one choice, one “TOOTHACHE” at a time.
Bless you for YOUR time, ladies.
Happy Spiritual Brushing and Flossing today!
Carol 🙂