Intentional Impactors
Hello AGAIN, ladies … and maybe even the odd gentleman … lol!
It’s Carol here — to share with you a few little TRUTHS I have been gleaning from the good book of LUKE.
And today I found myself in Chapters 5 and 6, where it was so neat to see how the disciples that Jesus specifically CHOOSES chose to OBEY when HE called them away to a new mission and on a new journey.
Oh yes, they totally just left: dropped nets, stepped away from family and friendships … and, well, went off and into totally UNKNOWN places, all because they HEARD the CALL, and with those first steps away showed that the first step towards true PEACE was truly tapping into the CHOICE of complete OBEDIENCE (Luke 5:4-10).
And THAT is just what we who have TAKEN this FEAR JOURNEY have learned too! And I can so see in me, and everyone else who has done this journey, that the VERY first BABY steps take place when you are IN THE PLACE of UNINTENTIONAL DISOBEDIENCE.
YES and you bet!
The first part of changing your heart is to begin and dig in, even when you cannot see what you are REALLY dealing with underneath! Time to REMOVE the LOG of FEAR from your own eyes before working on slivering off the speck in someone else’s (Luke 6:41-42).
Sounds like it’s time for a true MOTIVE tweak and change by truly following that RIGHT ORDER concept we keep reading about in Titus (1:6-9) and 1 Timothy (3:1-12), clearing out and cleaning up YOUR soul from FEAR FIRST, before any other goals.
It’s TRUE — and works too!! Cause it was ALL these INTENTIONAL changes and CHOICES that MOVED ME (and can move anybody!) from BEING that “UNINTENTIONAL Disobedient- 10%-er ” into?? Well, how about a 24/7 LORD-LED LEADER!
Why yes! THIS next step is all about stepping into what is REALLY TRUE and BEST for you, even though it is likely TOTALLY scary to YOU (and trust me, was to me too). 🙂
And soooo, off we GO, and GROW, into a life that is TRULY LIVED for and led by THE LORD — day after day, APPLYING the CHOICE to OBEY and watching the REAL LIFE RELATIONAL REWARDS all begin to take place by following what HE so clearly lays out for you and ME in the call to live RIGHTEOUSLY … CHOOSING the Right THING … with the Right MOTIVE … and in the Right ORDER.
And then, just as Jesus said would come, PEACE and JOY trickle in, and pretty soon (or sooner than you would ever suspect) the things that were soooo hard to “SEE,” and then DARE to DO, are now? MAGICALLY “easy” for YOU … WHOA!!!
And sooo, is it SO time to PRAISE GOD, you BET, that Is TRUE!! But what ELSE might a soul in this state want to DO??
Well, now you hit (and your soul sits) in a space that is less and less about CHOOSING to DO the RIGHTEOUS THING, but DEEPLY WANTING it through and through, to honor the KING!
YOU CANNOT HELP but want that PURE HEART and clean SOUL for EVERYONE you KNOW. And so, you find yourself in the next (and dare I say BEST??) :):) step of this Becoming-FEAR-FREE-Spiritual Process: where you just want OTHERS to see, believe and also live fear-free!
YES!!! You have now become what is really SO much “FUN” (by GOD’S and now MY definition). 🙂
And THAT, my friend, is really what GOD … is … after.
Yes, AFTER all our UNINTENTIONAL mess-ups … all our INTENTIONAL remakes … after all the consistent RIGHTEOUS CHOICES we CHOOSE TO take, we have somehow shifted (JUST like HE PROMISED WE WOULD) into what HE says is RIGHTEOUS and GOOD. And we start finding creative ways to SHARE this newer, truer and CLEANER FAITH.
And so, where am I going with all this??
Well, right into introducing the next step in MY FAITH PROCESS:
Introducing YOU to OTHERS from across the country who have chosen this Spiritual GROWTH journey too!!
Because, trust me, as much as you have heard a TON from ME?
And best of all?
They cannot WAIT to share them with you.
And so, here we GO!! Into a totally new, FUN spiritual SEASON of pasting and posting a new piece from a new person who has found, through DITCHING their FEAR, a new PURPOSE in LIFE has APPEARED.
And just like it says in the Book of Luke, they are ready to shine for HIM and HIS TRUTH — and are REALLY ready to share their story with YOU.
I AM so stoked to begin sharing these SPIRITUAL WINS. 🙂
So for today, I thank YOU for hearing me speak!!!
But even better, I am EAGER to see you back here NEXT week, to introduce you to a VERY COOL, very BOLD, very BRAVE Lord-led LADY. (And later on, maybe even a “boy” or two … Isn’t that crazy?? lol) :):)
Thanks, Team. Can’t wait to see you again … soon!
Carol 😉