Obstacles or Opportunities

Oh my, all this COVID-19 business! It certainly has messed with a lot of people’s lives (including mine!!) and in a lot of ways that feel like it’s really created a lot of crazy! Oh, I get it. I know I cannot do a thing to change the reality here in Canada. But, I can change my reality in Cranbrook by shifting my worldview from only seeing “OBSTACLES” by instead, CHOOSING to see unexpected “OPPORTUNITY” to grow in some ways that, well, maybe I hadn’t been attending to as well as before.

Since I can no longer invest in my normal To-Do list, how about I CHOOSE to invest in the things that don’t normally make the tick box or the checklist, but truly are the BEST investment in my day?? So can you guess what it is?? 🙂

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Willing…Want to…or Won’t

When it comest to Spiritual Growth, there are three mindsets: WILLING … WANT TO … OR WON’T.

And, don’t you know I have found myself firmly planted in all three at one time or another. But you know what? GOD didn’t give up on me, and HE wound up winning. I have been the QUEEN of “mess-ups and mistakes,” but am also living PROOF of what GOD can DO, and THAT is the thing that drives my days now.

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There are about 1,001 THINGS that abound, calling us to give them a try ‘cause “you’re not gonna die,” and my oh my, they look like so much fun! And “everyone is already doing them” anyway. And, we all know that the old dusty Bible and its “RIGID RULES” are really only meant for old dusty ladies, right??


Oh my! No more bending, no more compromising, no more “reasons and rationalizing” away my WRONGS. Nope, only a super solid, steady and STRONG decision to say, “One God — one way — my CHOICE — today.”

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A Tongue Training Journey

Maybe this is because we have just discussed some stuff about SELF-WORTH through physical appearance, but I think many people believe “perfection” is achieved through having the “PERFECT BODY.” Anyone else agree?

However, if I read James right, perfection is achieved when we CONTROL our tongue, our words and the choices we make to SAY or NOT say something!

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Addicted to the DO?

Have you ever found yourself “Addicted to the DO”? S

Maybe you RUN off the adrenaline RUSH of DOING … and doing … and doing … and DOING until? You get dizzy and realize that all the ‘’DOING” doesn’t ever get all DONE!

So, just what and how is the BEST way to REST in your very real world? And is there any way to change what is working (or not working) 🙂 for you to REST WELL?

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