Girls…Goals…and GROWTH
Good morning, you guys!!!
So, I think a lot of you know me and my deep desire and passion for pursinging GOALS in life, but did you know this is really just a reflection of what my husband does in our own home, all the time?
Yup, it is true. He is the guy who went through a REAL life journey — nearly dying way back when H1N1 came to our home in 2009. But through that long, hard road came out some long, hard TRUTHS, and that is how we (or better said, HE) found out what really matters in life — the VALUES that we read about in the BIBLE, as they are really the only things that really matter … and last.
Yes, he had been through defining “success” with money, work, status, and stability. But once you come that close to death, your perspective changes … and he really allowed that experience to change his whole worldview to one far better and TRUE.
And we thank GOD for this “gift” because, as he just said yesterday, it totally changed WHO he is and what he aims for out of life.
Gone are the goals for “gaining and glory,” but in came totally new ones about GROWTH — and the growth that counts, the stuff on the inside of your soul.
And so, he has challenged us on the weekly whiteboard (a simple dry erase marker board hung in our simple little kitchen with simple little quotes, statements, comments and weekly questions for the kids … and, OK, for us grown-ups too!! LOL!) to read and think through. The one for this week was:
What three character qualities will you hope that people will describe you with by the end of the year?
Hmmm…. Now that is a cool question to think about … and even cooler to hear what the kids had to say.
Out came traits like friendly, kind, trustworthy, honest, integrity — All good things for sure, but it was the second part of the question that was really smart, ‘cause it was one for the HEART:
What quality of your SOUL do you hope to grow this year?
Hmmm, well, that question is a little different … and needs a little more explanation.
If you could choose one part of the Fruit of the Spirit, which one would you like to see reflected in you and why?
And the reason behind these reflective family questions is the quote my husband says all the time: “Things that get measured get done.”
And I agree. It was fun to think through and hear what the kids had to say. But what he was really aiming for was to have them go for a GODLY GROWTH GOAL by beginning to talk about it out loud and to each other.
And you know? It really does work! And may be worthwhile to try at your home too.
I am so honored to be married to a man like him. His character was formed from the deep CHANGE that his “near-death” experience brought along. It really turned out to be the best way to bring the best change, and God knew it all the time 🙂
And so, girls, I am stealing his questions and asking them to YOU:
- What three character words would you choose to have someone describe you with by the end of 2020?
- AND, maybe even better, what part of the Fruit of the Spirit would you pick to work on and why?
- And are you ready to give it a try?
SO eager to hear what YOU have to say!
Carol 🙂
Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control….”