Faithful Flosser

I hate going to the dentist – I mean it, I really do…and you know, it is not the Dentist I don’t like, it’s the smell in there (you KNOW what I am talking about!), the drilling ‘whir’ in the background (like nails on a chalkbrood….) and the auugghhhh, that terrible tasting ‘strawberry fluoride’ that tastes NOTHING like ‘strawberry’ yet you have to keep from gagging–for-a-whole-30-seconds-of-your-life with it in your mouth —  UGGHHHH!!!! TERRIBLE times, am I not right?? Lol!!….N0, my biggest issue with the ‘visit to the dentist’ is well, I do NOT score very high on the ‘Hygiene Rating’….yes me, Carol Conroy, the Queen of BRUSHING her teeth clean multiple times a day, FAILS almost each and every time, to have NO cavities!! “What??” you say, “How is that possible?? How many times DO you actually brush your teeth in a day?”….Well, to be honest, likely more than 8 (and I actually, I counted today – it was past ten!!)….. OH, I heard a ‘that’s crazy!!! And noooo, I don’t struggle with OCD (at least that’s what I tell myself…), but I DO struggle with…SUGAR!!! And lots and lots of it, throughout my whole day (starting with a full tablespoon of dark brown …right into my dark roast!!) and it only goes and grows from there…yikes!!!

Yup, I have a solid ‘sweet tooth”, but ‘sooth myself’ by saying I am solidly committed to ‘brushing the sugar bugs” away…. All day… “How helpful!!” you say….Yeahhhh, it is…expect, where do ALL my cavities come from? The front of my teeth?? The sides of my teeth?? Orrrrrrr could it possibly in between ALL of my teeth?? (Hmmmmmm – go ahead and just GUESS which one it is….)….YES – the cavities grow from all the ‘little nooks and crannies’ that brushing never, EVER gets too – and so, the Dentist, the Dental Hygienist, and even the Dental Office Staff, all oh-so–kindly remind, reinforce and RE-GIVE me FREE DENTAL FLOSS over….. And over….. And over again….. because, as they oh-so kindly-point-out: all the brushing in the world , will not, no never ever, get the sugar out from BETWEEN my teeth – uugghhh…..

So as ‘Interesting’ as alll that is, “WHY”, you are thinking, “are we taking ALL this time to talk about Carol’s teeth!!??”…. Good question!!…. GREAT question actually…..and here is my point: Just like my ‘physical flossing’, if I am not CHOOSING to floss in my ‘spiritual life, I am spending endless and pointless time, effort and energy doing the same old, same old, EASIER thing, but NEVR getting to where I NEED to for my long term “spiritual health” – hmmm something to think about, right???….I was challenged my Dental Posse to ‘let go of 5 times of bushing’ and BUILD into my life, a one-time-one-minute-bigger-bang-for-my-time-and-effort-and-energy-BUCK-of-full-on-flossing — to TRULY get where I need to be going – and to TRULY be waayy more productive and effective with my TIME than I ever was before! ….And THAT, my dental friends, is TRUE for my spiritual life too! I can spend a lot of time effort and energy DOING a lot of different things, hanging with a lot of different people, making a lot of different CHOICES that, well FEEL easier, and are well, just what I ALWAYS do and that  “sort of clean up my life” (at least it FEELS that way in the short term…), but in the end?? I am MISSING the mark and wasting repeated chunks of my life going around and around in ‘spiritual circles’ (orr, better said, circular brushing patterns for this matter –☺☺) than I should be!…

It is TIME for me to ‘refocus and reinforce’ my spiritual health CHOICES: — and CHOOSE to get a ‘spiritual flossing’ from GOD’s good word, each and every day – and not only see the shifts and changes in my SOUL NOW but PREVENT allll the ‘spiritual cavities’ that would have been coming! It is a choice I have in ‘what’ and ‘how’ and ‘why’ and ‘where’ I spend my TIME the way I CHOOSE to do – annnnnndd I think I have FINALLY learnt my FAITHFUL FLOSSING LESSON well! …..Can I stop and brag for a moment and say I have NOT had a new cavity for the past two years? Yup – this non-flossing-dental-dreading-girl now can now happily BREEZE thru those dental doors, BRAVELY sit down that on dental chair, BEAITUFULLY whip on that dental bib and BOLDLY wait for the x-ray machine to come by – confidant that I have CHOSEN to DO the right DAILY DENTAL DESICON – even when I didn’t always FEEL like flossing….and THAT feels a whole lot better than all the endless ‘brushing’ ever could of…..Maybe it’s TIME for you to be BOLD, be BRAVE, be BEAUTIFUL Woman of GOD as you begin to make your BEST CHOICES for your BEST SPIRITUAL HEALTH, today….Cause if this ‘floss-less’ lady can CHOOSE to do it?? SO CAN YOU…..

xo, Carol