Why do you do what you do? By Jess Nielson
Well, it was wonderful to listen to a little of what AMARA LEIER shared with us last week – and I can tell you this week, that her speaking engagement landed wonderfully! THIS is what can happen when you come into these events with a SOUL FULL of FAITH BASED COURAGE: you do not aim for ‘PERFECTION” – but for perfect INTENTIONS – or maybe better said: MOTIVATIONS …..And this week’s piece will explain EXACTLY that!…It was written by a woman who I met virtually around February this past year, but who really didn’t start meeting consistently to “Tackle her 10%” FEAR until closer to June…. But once she got rolling? She was soon a WOMAN on a MISSION as she had caught GOD’S vision for her: to become FEAR-FREE and IMPACT COURAGEOUSLY!!!! …And THAT is just what she does now – each and every day…But to understand what she had to CHOOSE before she could get to that SPIRITUAL place? PLEASE read what she has to say!….I am deeply honored to introduce to you JESS NIELSON: a huge 10% COACHING SUCCESS! And a woman who had now become a dear friend too … .Enjoy ladies! And listen how this could be YOUR story too….
…..Carol 😉
What are the motives behind what we do? The day to day little choices and what we would consider the big life choices? What is your motive for why you choose what you choose or say what you say? What drives you there? Are they clean? There might be some thoughts floating through your head right now as I mention this. Maybe it’s….. It’s because it’s what you’ve always done, or…it just makes logical sense, or…it makes the most money, it could be…..it’s the easiest option, or…..for some it might be, it’s what the Bible says, or….dare I say, it’s what keeps the peace, or maybe even more of a sting….it props you up, makes you look good on the outside, all pretty and nice and polished. I’m sure some of you can insert your own motives, you go ahead and fill in the blank.
Can I suggest, that we look a little deeper and REALLY ask ourselves,
Some of you are wondering, “where is she going with this”? And some of you might be realizing already that some things might need to be shifted in your life. Your motives…why you choose what you choose. Trust me, I get it. I’ve been there, I didn’t understand it. Actually for many years, I didn’t even recognize it. The word that always came to me was STUCK. I felt stuck. Stuck because……I didn’t know. I could not put my finger on it. Yes, this Jesus loving woman was stuck. Of course I knew the choices I was making but it didn’t make sense as to why I was making them. Why did I choose to not communicate? Why did I choose to withhold and drawback on certain issues?
Here I am….22 years later owning it, admitting it, having learned from it, growing through it, and now God, most importantly gets the glory because of it.
What is “IT”?
Here it is…….FEAR. Fear was driving me. Or…not actually driving me, I should say, hindering me around every corner. It’s something that I didn’t recognize because it made such a slow appearance in my day-to-day life, and it didn’t start off with a lot of anxiousness tied to it….. Yet. I functioned well in it for the most part. No one would’ve known the fear based life I was living. It was an irrational fear based belief. If I was honest, it would hurt someone. If I communicated, it would bring up unwanted strife or dissension. Or, if this Chrsitian woman who brought my “stuff” to another there would be shame. I’ve always been known to be a pretty real and authentic person. Not a lot “fake” about me. However, there was this big old affair with fear that was starting to take precidence in my life and affecting my choices, and my authenticity plumetted. Especially with those closest to me. Not being authentic led me down the path of anxiety. That scared me. From typically not being an anxious person at all and then all of a sudden the feeling of “I can’t breathe”, and I can’t get out of bed, and then some very dark, foggy days descended upon me. I became such a mess, nothing was well within me. Like I mentioned earlier I didn’t even know that it was fear, until it was brought to my attention in the Spring of 2023. I’ve loved Jesus for a very long time….how did my life get here? And was I ever going to get out? It was because of a slow, gentle unpacking of my “stuff” that led to where I am today. I had to address the stress, and then step into obedience. I couldn’t just sit there. I’m known to be a hard worker and quite a high capacity woman, but this was a whole other level. I was, and still am a desperate woman who desires full obedience and authenticity. So…..my next steps had to happen. As clarity came upon my head and heart I was able to start on a new journey. First I had to get to a place of peace. Eternal peace is something I’ve had for a very long time, but it was the internal and external peace that took more attention. A lot of soul work. Slowly it began to take residence in me. Deep. In my bones, deep. When that began, my soul was coming to a place of rest……I could breathe!!
Because I removed fear I can now hear God loud and clear. And so it begins, the next step into……
COURAGEOUS living! COURAGE, the place I am now.
If someone would’ve told me 6 months ago this is where I’d be today, I wouldn’t have believed them. Actually, I was told by a few closet to me, and I didn’t believe them. Having a couple people walk with me on this journey was paramount for where I am today. When I was in that dark, deep place and my soul was at angst I could see no way out. Step by step, day by day, I have moved out of that season and into the exciting world of COURAGE! Did you know that COURAGE is actually the mastery of fear? I went from being in the uncomfortable, embracing the uncomfortable, to now chasing the uncomfortable. That’s courage! And I know that God is not interested in my comfort, He’s interested in my character. There are many, many verses in the New Testament that speak to courage and to our character. His Word, the Light for my path forward. And the path forward is unknown to me, but I welcome whatever comes. If it means growth, I’m in. I know because I’ve removed fear I can hear God loud and clear. God qualifies the called, He won’t leave me. I choose to trust Him.
Authenticity is the name of my game. I will be real and live a Lord led life and surround myself with courageous people. Iron sharpens iron.
Will you allow yourself to go there with others? Is there a MOTIVE that needs to be examined in your life? Or a FEAR that needs to be exposed and disassembled so that you can move into COURAGEOUS living?