Weary of Wondering?
Are you weary of wondering, “Just what the heck is going ON in this world?!”
OK, I bet you didn’t see that coming today. 🙂
Neither did I when I opened up my Bible, but there it was! All over Proverbs Chapter 30 — the crazy, confused questioning of “Just what is UP in this world?!?”
Like, how in the heck do the people and things that are “nasty” somehow and sometimes seem to get ahead in life (verses 21-23)?? Or how do the things in our world WORK (verses 18-19)? And how can I make sense of what seems so senseless?!
And over … and over … and over … and over these questions go around in our head, until?
Well, we sorta feel like we have gone CRAZY.
And I think that is where the author of this chapter begins — by basically straight up and straight out saying:
“I am weary….” (verse 1) Can anyone relate to that????
Yup, AGUR the author, was DONE and spun out over all of it.
And yet, what can you DO when you hit that place too? (Because, let’s be honest, we all have.)
Well, it seems we just need to finish the rest of the verse because the very next words carry the answer that needs to be heard. SO, here we go again: “I am weary, GOD, but I will prevail.”
Whoa! Small phrase, strong tale.
Because it is so simple and clear that when things just don’t make sense down here, we have one place to CHOOSE to go to listen to, and that is GOD’s flawless WORD (verse 5).
Yes! I love how Agur just lays it all out for us to see and does it so authentically, that he does not get how this life works out — or balances out — or makes sense. How he doesn’t have tons of human understanding (verse 2), or even Godly knowledge (verse 3), but he DOES know when to GO to the one consistent point of TRUTH that DOES NOT CHANGE. Yup, do not DARE add anything in there (verse 6). He has found GOD to be the only place of constant security and safety (verse 5).
Such a simple choice — sooo much SPIRITUAL WISDOM.
And I love how we see how the simple things can bring such SPIRITUAL SAFETY, especially in the unanswered CRAZY.
All those small simple animals (and what they represent) at the end of the chapter show us just what type of simple ANSWER we can CHOOSE when we are confused by all the world’s “Nonsense that doesn’t MAKE sense” going on around us (verses 24-28). GOING to GOD’S WORD will be:
like the ant — we attain the power of PREVENTION
like the hyraxes — we feel the wonder of HIM being our HOME
like the locust — and the concept we read about GODLY COMMUNITY
like the lizard — the recognition that we are HIS ROYALTY.
The simple step of READING HIS WORD helps keep the voice of “needing to know” under control. Because as we read, there are just some things we will never get (verses 18-23), and yet…we have a choice to cover those unanswered questions with the intentional ACTION to live in a state of:
Yes, aiming to be spiritually satisfied with what GOD’S WORD tells us, no matter what is going on around, is the ultimate offer of HONOR to HIM. Nope, no longer trusting yourself to get all the answers (verse 9), not accepting other concepts as “truths” to settle our soul (verses 8a, 9b). No, sometimes it is TIME to straight up BELIEVE the whole package, even when parts really don’t “make sense or seem smart” to our very human minds and hearts (and, for me, limited mental capacity) :).
I don’t mind saying that there are times and thoughts and concepts that aren’t always clear TO ME what is going on here, but what is clear to me today is the real-reality that:
GOD is OK with that…. So I can be too.
But what about you? DO you think this is TRUE? DO you see any “unbalance,” “unanswered” and “unclarity” in your world? What do you feel GOD is challenging you to do today?
Can’t wait to hear what you have to say….
Carol 😉